Wednesday, July 31, 2013

On that day in 1978 - 16 July

It was the third day of my second trip to the UK and I was in London, staying with my friend Paul (whom we had met in Hollywood last year) in Kensington. Both Helen and Mary were in London but I had no way to get in touch with them. But The Dickies were playing! They were opening for The Runaways.

It seems really unnatural to me now to use "movie theater" and "phone booth" when speaking of things in England!

Andy Ellison was the singer of The Radio Stars (and previously John's Children and Jet); I had seen them and met them the previous year; in fact they were the only band I had seen. I had met Billy Idol when he was in LA - just him; Generation X never played in LA, at least when I was there. The Gary I refer to was Gary Tonda who was my off and on sorta boyfriend back in LA at the time; Generation X was his favorite band. But I never saw them either; I think I was in Liverpool when they played London in August. I had a big big crush on their drummer, Mark Laff, if that isn't obvious!

16 July 1978

Only slept till 1:30 this day. We walked through Kensington Gardens, then went to this photography gallery where they had an exhibit of fat New Orleans prostitutes and a punk rock book with a pic of Trudie in it.

Then went to this movie theatre (they serve alcohol!!!) cause Paul had to give a book to this guy and the guy said we could go into the movie. It was some boring coal miner documentary; I bugged Paul and we finally got to go. We ate at a pizza place which was pretty good - had an 'American' (pepperoni) pizza. Then we went to the Lyceum.

A minute after we went inside I saw a head of white hair run past - could that be Helen? - it was!! She didn't know I was coming to London! She said Mary was supposed to come down but she never showed.

So we hung out the whole time after that. The Dickies went over really well, especially "Paranoid" of course. After they played we went to a phone booth down the street to call Helen's mom. But no one answered. [And very few people had answering machines in those days...] It would have been such a crack-up - cause Helen hasn't communicated with her parents for almost three months! [A couple months later they hired a private detective to try to find her!]

I saw the Dickies in the hall; Billy was surprised to see me: "So you came to England two years in a row?" I saw this guy who looked familiar but he talked with a British accent so I decided he couldn't be someone I knew - later Helen tells me it's Mick Jones - duh. His hair is so much longer!

The Runaways were pretty boring - they were much better at the Whisky last Christmas.

Helen asked if she could stay at Paul's too and I went to ask him but then I never could find her again and we had to leave to catch the last bus.

Oh, when the Runaways were playing a guy went by who I thought was Andy Ellison - later I saw him again and I was pretty sure it was - so I said hi. He told me about their new album and said he remembered me; I told him I was gonna go see them next week.

Then outside I saw Billy Idol so I went and said hi to him - he goes, "How did you get over here?" "Flew." I said the Dickies were friends of mine and he said he wanted to see them - I told him they were gonna be at the Music Machine and he said he'd try to catch them. He also said that they [Generation X] were gonna play in August. Ha ha, Gary!!!

All of Generation X were there - I almost died when I saw Mark Laff! I looked away really quick so I can barely remember! Paul accused me of being a groupie!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On that day in 1977 - 16 July

My very last family road trip... Even after we had air conditioning in the car, we always had to cross the desert in the middle of the night. (Before A/C, that was essential!) And to get anywhere eastwards, one must cross the desert. This time I think the idea was to all get a bit of sleep at the family cabin, about 140 miles to the east and then crack on.

Re: the Rainbow; they used to play the best music, mostly glam stuff, but disco had started creeping in. Eric, the Marc Bolan-looking guy I met in the 1976 entry and who had since started DJing there, had great taste in music but I guess this Japanese-American DJ did not.

16 July 1977

We were gonna leave at 9 am but they changed it to 2 pm. So I talked to Tiger, Jade, Marie and Jerry, and went over to Susan's. I asked Marie who the DJ had been [she and Jade had gone to the Rainbow last night and from the following I assume the music had been bad ], if he had blondish brown or black hair. She said dark brown and I said, "Was he Japanese?" and she said she thought so. So I thought it was that guy cause he plays bad stuff, but Jade said it was Eric!! Japanese???!

So we left at 2:00 and went to Pinyon Crest. I didn't sleep there at all. We set off at 11:30 and ate dinner at Sambo's in Indio. Then drove all night. I slept off and on. We stopped at some rest stop just before dawn and had to stay there two hours! It was so hot there I couldn't sleep and the bathrooms were ultra gross.

On that day in 1976 - 16 July

I was really into Argent at this time (they did have songs beside "Hold Your Head Up", nearly all of them much better!), who I came to because I was such a Zombies fan, as well as Russ Ballard's solo albums. RB either played at the Whisky or the Roxy; I can't remember! (Sounds more like it was the Roxy...) I will have to see if I can find the photos from that night; I'm thinking the Plus-X might not have been a success. (To those unfamiliar with black and white photography, Plus-X was a more detailed film, which required brighter lighting if you were not using flash (which I never did; in addition to it being rude and annoying for the performer, flash destroyed all the contrasting tones of your subject), and therefore I would usually use the more grainy faster film, Tri-X, for gigs.)

Robert M. was my tightwad Scottish ex; Dan, Bill and Susan friends from school. It's unclear what the boys did when we went in the Rainbow as I'm pretty sure they would not have been able to get in; they were both only 16. Stuart is this guy we knew from the Rainbow parking lot (where everyone would hang out at the end of the evening); he looked a lot like Todd Rundgren and tried to dress like him (without the multi-colored hair though), and he claimed to know Todd, but we thought he was making that up. I had not seen him since the early 80s or maybe even the 70s until just this month; Rachel Haden and I met him at Todd's show at the Canyon Club and I kept thinking he looked familiar... Well, turns out he did know Todd way back in the Philly days, so more fool me!

The guy who looked "like Peter" was Eric Idelson - many stories about him coming up! I don't know what happened to him after the late 70s though. (Later: I just found him on Facebook! VP at UBS?! - who would've thunk it?! He has shorn the Bolan ringlets but the rest of his family seem to have them!) The Peter I'm referencing was another friend from school, Peter Furru, who looked a lot like a more Nordic Marc Bolan (as did Eric). Peter had played in a glam cover band at high school called Second Phlight with Brent, Dan and Al... Who played drums? I can't remember!

16 July 1976

This morning Cheryl said Cathy was on par with her - really! [Two friends from high school; I'll leave it to you to figure that one out!] We went to the beach today - it was good. [It wasn't till 1978 that I only would go to the beach when the sun was down.]

Robert Marlow decided he couldn't afford $4 and also would need a ride home, so I got Dan and Bill to take us, me and Rich [Susan Richards]. [I think $4 was the cost of the Russ Ballard gig and I think I had just passed my driving test so would have driven but did not want to drive Robert all the way back to the Hollywood Riviera (which isn't in Hollywood or anywhere near it, but south Torrance) anyway, especially as he never gave me gas money.]

I hope the Plus-X is all right; I did have time to go to another store but oh well, I needed the Plus-X for Saturday anyway. [This was always a problem with film; trying to get the timing right for finishing a roll!]

That guy must have been Stuart with his hair cut, it scared me! Ooh yeah, that Steven Tyler/Earle Mankey [I guess he looked like a cross between them] guy - I wasn't staring at him too much!! [Gag me with a spoon; I almost sound like a valley girl!]

We were sitting there sort of on the side and all of a sudden I go: "Russ Ballard!" and he had just walked in.  He was great; he did: [I then proceed to list his entire set but I shan't bother you with the song titles!] Mostly stuff from his first album, which is good. [I just got his three, or first three, albums out; I seem to remember the third one was a clunker...]

Jay Ferguson [Who?! Sounds here as if he's the main act! Just googled: Jay Ferguson is an American rock and roll/pop musician, known for his work with Spirit and Jo Jo Gunne, and his 1978 solo hit "Thunder Island". His later career has been as a composer of music for television programs and films.] was OK but then we left for the Rainbow. 

It was pretty good; first time I've been there without Robert in so long. [Cause even after we stopped going out, we still went to the Rainbow together.] Saw that guy who's in love with my butt. [??!!!] Also this really neat-looking guy said Susan was too young. I go, "She's only 15," and he goes, "What's her phone number?"

That was funny - there was a guy there who looked like Peter, dressed like him in Second Phlight, and acted like him too; he danced by himself but couldn't even dance! Once he smiled at me and when we were leaving he said, "Don't go yet!!" Neat.

Monday, July 29, 2013

On that day in 1981 - 15 July

A night at the "Underwear Club" (as Brendan, who worked there, called it); for a very short while they had weekly ballroom dancing nights; I think once Roosevelt and I were the only ones there! But it was so much fun - getting dressed up and dancing with gay guys - what's not to love?!

Unfortunately I don't have any photos of these nights, but this one, with Scott, was taken about ten days before this entry.

15 July 1981

I wasn't gonna go out this evening but then Roosevelt [Brian G] said he and Patty were going ballroom dancing at the Lingerie and Patty [Duarte] said she'd give me a ride... So I called Scott and rushed to get ready.

Michael Uhlenkott and Jill [Jordan] were there and later I thought, "That girl looks like Suzanne Williams," and it was - weird. [Weird cause we knew her from high school but never ran into her randomly in Hollywood...]

Roosevelt and I danced to Come Fly With Me and it was the most fun I'd had in years! We had the whole dance floor to ourselves and we really hammed it up ... then I danced to As Time Goes By and a couple others with Michael. What a contrast! He wasn't as good as I remembered. [Whoa, I'm sooo catty! But Brian was a tough act to follow... Apologies, Michael!]

Scott hadn't shown so I called him. He was even late after that!

Suzanne left; Roosevelt and I danced to another Sinatra song - Dancing Cheek to Cheek. I think then Scott and I went upstairs; we had the whole balcony to ourselves at first. Scott wouldn't dance cause he said he was depressed. He didn't seem depressed though... [No, he was probably afraid I'd diss his dancing as I did poor Michael's!]

Patty came up and said something rude - I'd almost forgotten about the old Patty... She was leaving suddenly - I barely got a chance to say goodbye to Scott!

On that day in 1977 - 15 July

I had phoned Marylou Luther at the Los Angeles Times and she arranged for Jade and me to come in and model punk clothes; she asked me to wear a garbage bag, and I obliged. Our friend Desiree came in at a different time.

15 July 1977
Note I still have poodle perm hair and I'm wearing glitter platforms!

Got up early to do stuff. Cuz [our name for Susan's cousin from Prestwick, Scotland, Andy Hewittson; he had moved to LA with his mum the previous year and hated it; now was out for a visit. No idea what he was doing in Bakersfield!] called from Bakersfield and came over at 2:00 for a couple minutes.

So we got off to a late start but got there [to the Times] on time. I drove to Venice and La Cienega and the bus came right away. It was weird putting some of the make-up on in the bus. The bus driver told us where the building was but it was the wrong one! [That happened to me in 2013 too!]

That guy [at reception I guess] was kind of an asshole - we had to go call Mom to find out the lady's name [I guess I didn't take her card!] and it was in another building. So we finally found her and went to get dressed in the bathroom. So it was pretty fun doing the pictures, but I'd rather be taking them!! That would be so much fun! I'd hate being a model - that would get so tedious!

Before we started, she [Marylou Luther] said she'd pay us something for our time and trouble and I thought it would be like five dollars, but "Is $35 [an hour!!] all right?"" I'm sure!! She also interviewed us, and had us model these really stupid and outrageously priced punk T shirts. [They had the word PUNK across them with safety pins etc.; maybe they were Zandra Rhodes's?]

They had neat shoes there. That's funny - we were telling them about Killer, Ratso and Spider [Helen, Mary and Trudie], and the things Killer does and I said Ratso and Spider were normal, and Jade said, what about Ratso carving the word HELL on her back; and the gay guy goes, "We'll have to get that last quote." Anyway, it was pretty fun.

So we took the bus back and drove to Tiger's. He was all pissed cause someone stole $25 off his kitchen table; they just walked in - I'm sure! He really has all the luck. I was pissed at Jade cuz she backed out of going again. [Have no idea what I'm talking about here!] That was the fourth time in one week that she went there [the Rainbow?] (and me - zero.) [Yes, probably the Rainbow, as Tiger was not able to go there; they only let underage girls in - really! Guys had to be 21 and pay five bucks... I was probably jealous cause I missed going there and dancing. And I guess Jade backed out of going to a gig.]

Note "Richard Heller"!
So Tiger and I went to the Ramada Inn. [Not what it sounds like; this would have been a show, but I have no clue who was playing... I know I saw the Quick there once but this would have been someone else...] It looked real neat. but someone else had used Jerry's name! [This would have been Jerry Satinsky from the valley; he must have said we could use his name to get in.] I wouldn't put it past Phreddie! [Meow!] Two of Tiger's friends were there and I kissed Larry's car. [???!!!] We went to Rexall to get shampoo and then to 7-11. There were some weird things like lightning. [???]

On that day in 1979 - 14 July

OK, a disclaimer. I love the Cowsills. I have always liked the Cowsills. I never had any of their records when I was young but that was mostly because I didn't really have an allowance and was given Monkees and Partridge Family records instead. I loved their version of "Hair" but if you didn't buy a single when it was in the Top 40 in those days, it was fairly difficult to purchase later on. (I know this is hard to believe in this day and age of instant gratification and universal access.) I had a big crush on John Cowsill and I wanted Susie to be my friend, and I followed their antics in 16 Magazine.

In 2013 I saw that documentary on the Cowsills (I highly recommend it but it's sad!!) and if you asked me then if I had ever seen the Cowsills I would have said that I saw Bob and Susie play an acoustic set once in 1989, and do a few songs at a charity gig earlier that year. And that's it. Even when I read the journal entry below, I was shocked; at first I couldn't remember this gig at the Troubadour at all! I must have blacked it out of my memory.

I should find those photos; they all had beards and were dressed like hippies. Not colorful psychedelic hippies, but drab brown hairy hippies! And remember this was 1979! I was soooo anti facial hair of any type! Plus re the music, I had not yet discovered decent country music (apart from Johnny Cash that is!) PS I just had a pretty thorough google and could not find a single photo online of the Cowsills in the late 70s! Perhaps they were embarrassed too?

Another note on technology; early 35mm cameras had a viewfinder screen which you found on top of the camera body. It was rather like the display on a digital camera but smaller - imagine trying to focus with that! (My first two SLRs had no auto-focusing or metering.) The Miranda I'm using here also had a viewfinder you could look through but you could remove that and walk around with the camera around your neck to take candid shots.

14 July 1979

When I woke up the next morning I was so depressed. And we had to go to [my cousin] Keith's wedding. It was way out in Riverside and so hot and icky. And it was so loooonnnnnngggggg.... It was kinda amusing how all the speakers were from the bride's side; not one from our side! I couldn't believe people were actually crying! I felt like crying but for my own reasons - how could they be so happy when I was so miserable?!

The reception was such a bore! We had to sit there three hours before the food came and it was pork and beans - yuk! I felt like crawling under the table and going to sleep!

When we got home I was so exhausted and undecided about going out. But we did.

When we were parking the car, Dwight walked by - with a girl! He stopped and kissed her too! [It just occurred to me that this was probably Susie Cowsill!]

Bates Motel were still on when we got in. The place was packed and we didn't know a soul! Luckily we got seats right in front, on the side.

These gross geeks were setting up and I made a joke about them being the Cowsills and Mary says, "No, they're just the roadies." (But why were they all wearing those stupid hats?!!)

But then the Cowsills came on... And it was THEM!!!! UGH!!!!! We could not believe it! We couldn't tell who was who!

I had to take pictures of them but I was so embarrassed I took the viewfinder off! [Why? I mean we didn't know anyone there; was I so afraid my reputation would be ruined?!]

The only decent one was John. (Thank God!!!) And their MUSIC - YUK!!!! They seemed to be ashamed of their past. I wonder how they became like that...

Oh well. Dwight was good, although he didn't move quite as much as usual. He did a couple new songs and luckily, "Marie's the Name" for the third encore... And "Tiger Eyes". I danced on the side to all the good songs and I swear he was looking my way!

Well, it was fun I guess.

The Cowsills; that kind of hairiness I did not mind!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

On that day in 1977 - 14 July

Jade is still staying at my house. I had an occasional job, running errands or cleaning the house for this crazy numerologist woman, Ruth. I laugh when I say that vacuuming "only" took an hour; this was a very small room. But it had thick shag carpeting completely embedded with tiny cat litter granules, and she didn't have a proper vacuum cleaner, just a nozzle thing with a weak suction. You had to get down on your knees. So to do it "properly" took about 15 minutes per square foot - I'm not kidding! No wonder she hired teenagers. I much preferred running errands; you had to buy a certain number of items or items with certain numbers on them - it was very wacky.

14 July 1977

Mom had like some meeting. [Like, what's with this hippie talk, maaan?!] Jade wanted to go find some drawstring pants. That store doesn't have them anymore. [The drawstring pants store?] We looked in a couple more, and Jade bought a Danskin leotard. [This would be the newfangled sexy backless type with spaghetti straps and made with really shiny Spandex; you could also get a matching wraparound disco skirt, and I did, later.] I tried some on and stuff. [Here I go again!] Then all of a sudden I remembered: "Oh no, the parking meter!" We were 5 or 10 minutes late and we walked by a car at an expired meter and there was a ticket. But then I got to my car and there wasn't one. So I put in money for an hour.

So we looked around some more stores and it didn't seem that long and I go, [here I go again!] "Is that a ticket on my car?!" We were only like five minutes late! So I got really pissed. When we got home I had a lot of stuff to do but Ruth called so I went over there - made $3.75. I had to vacuum the rug again but it only took an hour cause I hurried and didn't do it so thoroughly. Then I had to wash the dishes. [And rinse them three times - that was the rule!]

That night Jade and Cat went to see Van Halen [at the Starwood I think; I was not much of a fan] and I went to Tiger's. Tiger got pissed cause that girl Karinda was coming over to buy the photos of her and Robin Zander. [I do remember taking photos of Cheap Trick when they did an in-store at Bomp! Records, but I don't remember this girl or this transaction. Nor the photos!] Then Cat and Jade called and wanted me to take them to Ruben and Michael's [two members of the Hollywood Stars] for five dollars. Tiger got really pissed, and right then Karinda came. So we went and Tiger was all mad and wanted me to let him out of the car. But it wasn't that far; it was by the Rodney Denny's. [There were two Denny's coffee shops in Hollywood; the one further west was Rodney Bingenheimer's hangout.]

Then it was OK; I stayed at Tiger's till 12:45. Cat took a taxi home from my house so I wouldn't get in trouble. That was really nice of her. It seems like she's got the bucks now.

This photo was from a few weeks later that summer; I was at a punk disco in Ayr, Scotland. But here I am wearing the Danskin leotard and matching disco skirt. Obviously, I didn't like having my phot taken!

Friday, July 26, 2013

On that day in 1980 - 14 July

This was kind of a typical weekend for me in those days at the Manor. I had a fulltime job in Gardena, but I worked four days a week, 11-hour days, and had a three-day weekend every week. At this point in time, however, we were trying to fix up the house. When groovin with Lucy, I would become very industrious!

14 July 1980

Somehow Elliot talked me into splitting the acid with him. We had a tea party in his room. It took so long I didn't think it would ever work, so I drank the rest of that bottle of wine - got a teensy bit drunk but it didn't last long. Then we were all sitting up in Shawn's room - Jason and Cindy too - and all of a sudden it hit me. I kept looking out the window. And laughing at everything. Cindy pointed out that Shawn looked like that cartoon dog. He does!!! [Not Deputy Dawg, not Muttley... but someone like that...]

Kristin called and said Todd was on the John Davidson show! I'd always wanted to see Todd on acid!! Well, I'd missed the first song (The Very Last Time) and had to sit through the whole rest of the show; there was one OK part with clips from the "worst" (best) movies ever made.

When they finally came back they just did Love and Only Love and then talked to them and then that dodo J.D. says, "I heard someone was putting together a TV show for you." Doy.... [Have no idea what I'm on about, but John Davidson was kind of a dodo, wasn't he?]

[Ah, the wonders of youtube! The song I missed and and the one I saw are both there; started to embed the videos but it's taking too long and the JD interview is missing!]

We had to do all this work on the house: plastering, sweeping etc... Took the junk off the dining room wall including the 'unbreakable' record. I bashed it around a bit and managed to chip it. Then I was tossing it about and it gashed my hand (vicious vinyl!!!) and I got furious and smashed it in a hundred pieces with a hammer. Never had so much fun in my life!

I swept and danced to reggae music (we entertain while we work!) I kept taking rests in the hammock and singing negro spirituals. And they'd all tell me to get up and get back to work. Keith kept trying to freak us out. I hid out on the balcony jungle.

Then, I don't know why, but they sent Elliot and me to Standard Brands to buy plaster. Elly drove and went over these really fun bumps and in the parking lot I saw some plants like I wanted for my room but Elly wouldn't be my partner in crime.

Inside we couldn't find the plaster and that's when the stuff hit me the hardest. Especially when we had to ask the guy where it was and he said, "By the putty..." I thought I would DIE! I kept saying, "Putt... putt ... putty!" and "Why did they send us? We could have come back with toilet seats. We should, just to show them!"

Later on we went grocery shopping - to three different markets - it was an adventure.

Fun day - it had really cheered me up and made me forget my problems. Except for my latest parking ticket.

On that day in 1980 - 13 July

I was living at the Manor in Hollywood, a big old house on Leland Way by Hollywood High. I was still on my "gap year" and had a full-time delivery driving job in Gardena; I worked 11-hour days and a four-day week so made the most of my three-day weekends.

I had an off and on weird relationship with Michael, the drummer of Ivy & the Eaters. In the beginning he pursued me ardently, perhaps because I was Ella of Ella and the Blacks. Well, he seemed to enjoy introducing me to everyone as that. If you remember our biggest "hit", Otis (My Boyfriend's Gonna Whoop Your Ass But Good), I wrote it, jokingly, about him; he wanted to be in Ella and the Blacks (and he was, very briefly) and took the name Otis. Anyway we actually did not have too much in common but he was nice to look at. In fact he was, by a long mile, the prettiest boy I ever went out with. I was so amazed that he wasn't gay!

I don't think I was usually this insecure but my head was in a weird place that year. This was near the end of our time together (which began when I met him in April.)

I don't remember this Bonnie chick at all and I'm not sure I ever saw the acid-donor from Devon again either.

Daddy-O is Frankie Marley; he was ten years older than most of us and didn't approve of anyone really with whom I went out. Sometimes I should have listened to him!

13 July 1980

Ivy & the Eaters were at Madame Wong's West this evening and Michael put me on the guest list. Upstairs this time. Oh, I'd gone over to Daddy-O's - swimming - and he said because of what Michael had did [not getting me on the guest list for a gig the other night] that I shouldn't even go. But I wanted to see him.

I thought they would be on first so I got there early. Went in and immediately saw Michael and he hugged me and said I looked great and Simon did too. [Simon looked great too!? ;-) ] He was talking to these two girls who were going to see Pearly Gates afterwards and he wanted to go. Then we went in the other room and he asked if I wanted to go backstage. It was the Men's Room! Jackson was back there. I stayed there a long time - I didn't leave when Michael did for some reason then I watched the equipment in the room for Jackson for a while. I wanted a drink so bad! [No rider for these kinds of gigs of course!] They found out that they had to play third and Charlie got all mad and kicked in the door and made a hole in the wall.

When I finally went out Michael was sitting with some girl so I didn't go over - don't know why. The what's-his-name band was okay; he was the guy from Phil Seymour's band. [Hmmm, not sure who this was...]

I went over and sat by Michael and that girl was talking to someone and that geek who was really really good looking but such a geek was talking to me, but when I wasn't overly responsive he started talking to that girl (Bonnie), leaning over me and I guess he fancied her cause he kept putting his arm around her. But afterwards I guess she kinda got away from him. I wished she hadn't.

Some jerk was bugging me and guessed my age as 25! I screamed at him and complained to Michael and he said I didn't look too innocent and I got mad at him too! That weird girl (from Devon I think) who Jackson knew gave me a hit of acid!! I gathered  (correctly) that Michael would 'shun' it.

Rode down in the elevator with the equipment and Michael took and squeezed my hand and I felt more secure.

Downstairs I discovered the ball bearings (what did I do with them?!) and the time clock; I was gonna punch someone in at 2 am but Simon stopped me.

We all went to the 'dressing room'. Jackson's old girlfriend (Miss Vogue) and her new boyfriend were there and they were talking about buying a bottle (they only got paid $17 for playing!) and I wondered what Bonnie was still doing there...

Then when they were leaving Michael kissed me goodbye and said he was going with Simon. I asked if he wanted to go with me and he said no, he'd just go with Simon. Then I saw the girl went with them. Well, her friend had left so they had to give her a ride home.

But anyway I decided it was over between me and Michael. Why didn't I stick to it? [I wrote this entry a bit later I guess.]

Some jerks followed me almost all the way home and I turned around to park by the gate and right then Shawn [Stern] and Brother Kevin [two of my housemates at the Manor] came up. I told them and they said they'd get them and for me to go out there as 'bait'... The jerks left though.

I guess they cheered me up a tiny bit.

Ivy & the Eaters

On that day in 1979 - 13 July

The Masque club had already closed, as had the Other Masque, but there were a series of sort of private party gigs after that happened. This one, I believe, was the very last one. It was certainly the last time I ever set foot in there.

As I explained earlier, Mary and I had made a six-foot something papier maché Mau-Mau warrior for Rod's birthday (which was and is today), who we had named Mahumba. The previous day we had taken him to our workplace - Mary and I both were in this paid video production program called Focus on Video - so I could shoot some footage, and when he fell over his leg fell off. He was only newspaper and flour paste - nothing else; I had not even used chicken wire. So that eveningI had taken him to Jill Jordan's apartment near the Masque and repaired the leg with gaffer/duct tape and re-painted it. We also made up some spells to chant.

I so wish I had photos of Mahumba; I have no idea why I didn't take any except that I was so busy making the thing and I took a lot of video footage, most of which was taped over (the perils of using that medium!) and the one bit that survives is on Beta.

The latter bit of this detailed entry is incredibly embarrassing and I considered leaving it out, but there are some funny bits in it. So what the hell! By the way, it was a Friday the 13th ...

13 July 1979

Took our time and we ended up not even leaving till 7:00.

The spell worked! Mahumba's leg was now healed!!! I taped it more anyway and took the tape along too, just in case.

I'm so glad Jill had given me her key cause she didn't even turn up till after nine! She didn't even help us at all!! Mary disappeared too. We had to touch up his paint and everything, or maybe I should say I had to...

I love Mahumba so much!!! Whenever I looked at him I'd get that feeling... Maybe what people feel for something they created like their kid. I didn't want him to get destroyed!!

Jill took so long to get ready. When we finally left we carried Mahumba over our heads all the way to the Masque. It must have looked great!! My arms hurt so much!!!

We walked into the Masque and there were tons of people on the stairs. We kept yelling at them to move and I can't believe we actually got him down there. At the bottom Charlotte [Rick Wilder's girlfriend] grabbed and wrote on him and I told Craig [Stoker] to stop her and he reached out to punch her and got me instead!!

Well, we took Mahumba and set him up way in the back near the stage and took turns guarding him. Everyone kept saying he was gonna get destroyed - NO!!!!!

Every time I went to look for Rod I'd find someone else I had to show Mahumba to. But everyone wasn't as thrilled as I thought they should be... [Proud, indignant parent?]

Greg [Salva] was the first Mau-Mau to arrive. He loved Mahumba. [Yeah, and later he was the one who destroyed him when he was kicked out of the Mau-Maus!] He gave me a beer. Craig had also given me one.

When I took Beer Keg [my ex, Greg Williams] over, Rotten Egg [our rhyming slang name for Greg Salva] was still there and I stood between them watching the band. [Not sure who that was!] It was weird. Whenever I tried to get a sip of RE's beer he would try to attack me.

Finally Rod came! He and the other Mau-Maus loved Mahumba. Slim [Rick Wilder] said, "Let's destroy it onstage!!" and thank God Rod said, "No!" Rod gave me a beer too.

At first I didn't let it bug me too much, but Earl wasn't paying much attention to me. Every time I went up to him he'd wander off. But he was restless before playing and I figured I'd be with him later.

I was already SO drunk but I had a cough so I kept drinking to keep it away. And I wandered around and around and around ...

All of a sudden the police poured in! And forced everyone OUT!!! I tried to go back in and one of them hit me with a stick!! I started yelling at them that they were bastards cause they wouldn't let the Mau-Maus play; it's a wonder I didn't get arrested!!!

I was so upset! I wanted to see the Mau-Maus and I wanted to be with Earl and I couldn't find him and I didn't want the party to end. I started crying in front of everyone.

Shannon told me that Earl had gone to the Mau-Mau Manor. But I couldn't drive! I got Rod to drive my car but we couldn't leave right away. I was talking a whole bunch to Debbie while I was waiting; we were friends after all. [Not that we hadn't been, but we became very good friends after that; she was an ex of Greg Salva's who years later got back together with him and they had a kid; I don't think I ever knew her last name so I don't know what happened to her. In the early 80s she had wanted to move to England to be with Pete DeFreitas of the Bunnymen, who also died too young - weird and sad!]
Outside the Masque; talking to Chuck as I'm waiting for Rod to drive my car. This photo appears in the back of the Live at the Masque book.
Earl and me earlier that month

Found Mary ... Rod drove my car. Mary stayed in it. Earl was at Mau-Mau Manor. But he still wasn't paying attention to me! So at first I talked to Debbie and Shannon. Helped Debbie find Rik L Rik - asked her if she liked him; I thought it was weird cause of Jennie. [???] But she was just maybe gonna be in a band with him. She plays keyboards too!

Rosetta was in bed under the covers with no clothes on and Shannon was saying, "Look at that thing! Should we kill it?" She said she was just waiting for someone. I threw a shoe at her.

I got real depressed about Earl and sat on that bed in the living room like last time [??] and he came by and said something about it. Then I went in the bedroom and he was sitting on the bed with Rosetta! I got all upset but I cheered up when Craig and I were dancing to "Stranded in the Jungle" with the Mau-Mau [toy] spears.

Then we went in the other room. Oh yeah, two things happened before this. I asked Rod what was going on in there and he says, "I don't know" like he didn't like it either. And then I said later, "What's Kenny [Rod] doing in the closet with Yolanda? She's sick!" and Yolanda heard me!! I told her I was talking about the other Yolanda! [OK, we knew a chick called Yolanda, but also Rick Wilder called his then girlfriend Charlotte Yolanda; he named her that when he named me Ella and Mary Aretha and Rod Kenny and the other Rick Earl. Yes, it's confusing, I know, but there will be no pop quizzes, I promise!]

So now we went in the bedroom and now she was holding Earl's hands! I tried to wake up Shannon [who would have nodded off] and she said, "Hit them with the spear!" I couldn't control myself - I raised that spear and went WHAP!! on the bed as hard as I could! And ran out of the room. Earl didn't follow me. And I went back and did it again!!!

Then Craig was telling me to be asexual like him [he came out a few months after this]. We were sitting on the floor in the living room. And I wouldn't listen to him.

Then Earl walked by and I reached out and hit him in the leg. He asked me what I was doing and I dragged him out the door and I don't remember what I said except "I missed you!" [With the spear? I'm not sure if I made it clear, but I didn't hit anyone with the spear, just the bed!] and I held onto him and I started bawling my head off and he asked me what I was talking about and I don't know what I said then until "Leave me alone!" and I ran down the hall and sat behind a refrigerator for a long time. 

I wanted to die - I thought about jumping out a window but what if I became a cripple? Well I eventually ventured back in there. I sat on the couch and Earl came up and said, "I don't know what the big deal is - I mean we've only gone out a couple of times - it's no big thing." (???!!!!!!) (We had gone out SEVENTEEN times.)

Well, a few minutes later I decided to leave and I asked Earl if he would walk me to my car and he did. He said again something about, "I could understand if we had been together for months or something..."

I said it was just that I had been looking forward so much to seeing him and he said, "I guess I was sort of a prick tonight."

I had his arm and we wandered down the wrong street until I remembered Rod parked my car next to Earl's rented one. Then he put his arm around me and I remember hugging him and we changed the subject - talked about Mahumba.

At my car I said, "Also you haven't called me in so long," and he said he'd been so busy and it was hard for him to call but that I could call him any time. (No! I want him to call me!) [Jeez, I sound like Rory on Gilmore Girls! He had some kind of office job but I don't think I ever found out what he actually did; I certainly never phoned him at work. He lived with his parents too, who were really rude or at least his dad was - I remember I hated calling him!]

We talked about Rosetta; he kept saying they were just friends [which is good, seeing as Earl was 22!] and he asked, "What were you like when you were fourteen?" I said, "I sure wasn't a slut like her!" I told him how Shannon had told me to do everything and he said Shannon and Rosetta hate each other cause they had the same boyfriend - Greg?!!! [Salva] Oh yeah. Duh. I kept apologizing and apologizing and he said it was all right - to just forget it, and to call him.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

On that day in 1980 - 12 July

Michael was the drummer of Ivy and the Eaters, and who I was seeing at the time. Jackson and I think Simon were also in his band. Chris is Chris Bailey and Dave is David Murphy (no relation to Michael - see below!), both from the Vidiots. I believe the party was at Chris's place, the Who's Who apartment complex.

12 July 1980

Keith Joe Dick was playing at the Hong Kong and Michael said he'd get us on the guest list. Well, I rang him and he hadn't, and he called KJD at the sound check and rang back after I'd gotten all ready and said there was only room for three more on the guest list and Jackson and Simon wanted to go so "Sorry, darling!" I got so mad although I didn't let it show to him although I should have! I mean, if he really had wanted me to go, he could have told the others that he had asked me first!

So I went to that party in Westwood with Jennie. Thrills. It was kinda weird, the bands playing on the balcony above the pool. The Vidiots were great; Rik L Rik was pretty boring. [Whoops! Sorry, Rik, and RIP.]  Kathy [Remple] was there with her latest boyfriend. It was good seeing her. All the Westwood people were disgusting and we were disco dancing in there. Chris was really getting down and later I made him dance with me and then we talked and he started attacking me. He was all right but I kept thinking, what if by some freak chance Michael came? We watched this really pretty girl flirt with the most disgusting redneck men. Yeccchhh!!!!

Jennie had disappeared. Chris, Dave and that other guy were all drunk and pretend fighting over me. It was kinda funny. I asked Dave if he was related to any Michaels and he made up this long funny story about the Popodopolisses and how he really wasn't a Murphy after all.

The other guy - never got his name - was bending all the windshield wipers on the National rental cars. He gave me a ride to my car and he wasn't bad, but he was all over me and didn't even know me!!

On that day in 1977 - 12 July

Jade was still staying at my house. My friend Brent, who was working somewhere in the Carson Mall (was it in the record store?), had borrowed my mom's staple gun. (Yes, I know that's really exciting information, but it's needed for context!)

Helen, Mary and Trudie were still in New York City. When they came back they were going to stay in Tiger's apartment while he was away for a few weeks, and look after his pet rats, Ratso and Ratskolnikov.

I have no idea who was playing at the Whisky that night; if anyone knows, please let me know. It was rare that I didn't manage to get in somehow.

"That lady" from the Times was Mary Lou Luther, who was the Fashion Editor there from 1968 till 1985. (I just looked that up; I was not familiar with her before that night though my mother was!) She was going to do a feature on punk rock fashion. I was kind of surprised that she singled me out as I still had long curly glam rock style hair and I was wearing black jeans that night and a thrift shop shirt - nothing "punk" at all in my mind; I think the jeans were even flared! (I didn't know how to sew and in those days it was impossible to find black straight leg jeans in LA; my mom's friend adjusted a couple of pairs in for me and I eventually had to buy some mail order from Trash & Vaudeville in New York.)

At any rate during both our initial chat and our somewhat longish interview at the Times, I kept insisting that I wasn't a punk, and talked a lot about my band, The Bromos, who were more of a Nuggets/garage kind of thing, but she also offered me moolah to model some punk clothes - money talks! Strange that I don't mention the money here, just the fame, as I don't remember at all desiring the latter back then. Maybe it's because after I did experience my fifteen minutes (in 1981, although I kinda already had had five of them after that newspaper article came out!) I really changed my tune and forgot the previous one!

12 July 1977

Debbie cancelled her lesson [as she was wont to do - my main income was from teaching piano in those days] and so we went to the Carson Mall. The day before, Mom kept bugging me about the staple gun and she had gone out and bought a new one! So I had thought Brent had said to be there [the Carson Mall] before 1:00 but it turned out it was after 1:00. We got there at 11:30. [Again, I am impressed at how early we managed to get out of the house in those days!] And Brent was late - did not get there till 1:40 or so! So we just walked around. We got interviewed about commercials and stuff (for Aziza Eyes etc...) and got $2.00. Anyway, Brent had forgotten the staple gun! But at least he gave me lots of free albums! [A fair exchange, I would say!]

So... Jade was trying to pick up on "St. Timothy" [no idea who this was!] and Brent and I were making so much fun of her: "I think I'll like Bobby on Monday, Ruben on Tuesday..." [These two were both members of the Hollywood Stars.] Jade said if Tim heard the Hollywood Stars he'd like 'em and Brent was going, "Wanna lay some money down on that? I'll bet $50." Then Jade's saying how it has to be the right atmosphere. Uh huh.

So I practiced some [the piano; in these days I played two or three hours a day but probably not so much while Jade was there] then we were gonna have Chinese food but that place was closed. So that night Jade went to Charles's [no idea who that was either!] and Jay [I think this was the keyboardist in Tiger's band The Crazies, though maybe not; I would have called that guy "Stratus" - cause at one time he wanted to change the name of the band to Stratus, which was, in my mind of course, crazy!] was supposed to get Tiger and me into the Whisky but the jerk didn't! And we still had to drive him and these two girls somewhere.

Anyway I was really pissed [I seem to be so easily set off in those days!] cause right before we had left, Helen and Mary and Trudie called, and they didn't know when they were coming back and they said they wouldn't take care of the rats. They said they'd feed them to Killer's snake. [No need for any rodent lovers to worry; they did take care of them - including filling their water bottles with beer at times - although one of them escaped and became wild for a while. And Killer was Tiger's name for Helen; yes, that's how her name Hellin Killer originated. Mary was Ratso or Mary Rat, Trudie, Spider Woman or just Spider, and I was Fizz, cause I was in The Bromos.]

So Tiger got mad cause I was mad and we were standing outside the Whisky, wondering why we were standing outside the Whisky cause we obviously weren't getting in, and then that lady asked if she could take our pictures and we talked a little and she asked if I had ever worn a garbage bag and she gave me her phone number and told me to come down to the Los Angeles Times to get my picture taken properly. So I was cheered up - now I would be famous!

We went over to Powerburger and then to Tiger's, and for once, Jade told me all the details! [Which I did not write down; probably a good thing!]

The entire article appears in a later installment, but wouldn't you don a garbage bag for $300 in 1977? Note silver glitter platforms. As I told you, I wouldn't let go!

On that day in 1979 - 11 July

One more for the 11th ... As mentioned in a previous entry for this year, Mary and I had been making a six foot tall papier maché Mau-Mau warrior for Rod Donahue's birthday. We named him Mahumba.

This mainly concerns a night at the Hong Kong Café; I'm a bit confused about the 999 reference; I'm not sure where they were playing. It couldn't have been Chinatown cause they would not have played at Madame Wong's. MW's was the first club in Chinatown to have bands play; I went there in the early days but when the Hong Kong Café opened, Mme. Wong refused to book any bands that were considered the least bit punk; there was a great divide. Here's an excerpt from five days previous to this entry:

5 July 1979: We walked by Madame Wong's and Danny [Shades] said you could just walk in and he did. Then Kathy and I tried to and the asshole says, "No punk lockers! Go to de udder crub!!!" I got SO MAD!!!!!

We usually spent more time outside the Hong Kong than in it; many nights we didn't go in at all. We would panhandle for enough change to buy fried rice at the restaurant on the end to the west. We had a drinking spot in some trees a couple blocks away. But we spent a lot of time in this bar/restaurant adjacent to the Hong Kong. I don't think any of these places are open any more.

My boyfriend at this time was Earl but I'm not sure where he was this evening. I think there was some weirdness between us at this time. My previous squeeze had been Greg "Beer Keg" Williams. We didn't split up really; he had stood me up - didn't show for a dinner party I threw, and I saw him later that evening holding hands with this English chick. (He much later insisted they were just friends, which was probably true.) I had brought his portion of spaghetti with me and threw it at him. (It wasn't that bad - it stayed in the plastic bag for the most part!) My ex before that, Greg Salva, was in the Mau-Maus with Earl. We had fizzled out when I got angry after he told me I wasn't lively enough; then he had gone to New York for a while. Since he had returned and found me with Earl he was always sniffing around.

Ian was a Limey from Preston who was in LA for the summer.

11 July 1979

I wanted to go to Chinatown early but it took soooo long to paint Mahumba's shield. And to finish painting him and make his spear and fix his hair and so on. [I had spray painted a wig.]

So when we got there 999 had already come. Craig [Stoker] wanted me to drive him to Hollywood. I only said yes because I was so relieved that it wasn't Long Beach! [where Craig lived... Astoundingly, even during the gasoline shortage I regularly would pick him and/or my other LB friend, Kathy, up and take them home after; Long Beach is twenty miles in the opposite direction (of our usual destinations, Hollywood and downtown LA) from where I lived!] But then I got worried I'd miss Human Hands so I lent him my car.

We weren't on the list but they [Human Hands] got us in - if we promised to dance.

Human Hands were SO GOOD! They're my favorite band!

Afterwards we found out you couldn't go out and come back in. It was so boring and loud in there and I got soooo depressed till the Eyes came on. They were GREAT! Afterwards I talked to Andy [Sevrin I think] till the Alleycats came on. They were good but not as good as usual, and I was getting restless. I kept looking out the window. I saw Beer Keg [my ex, Greg Williams; Beer Keg comes from our version of Cockney Rhyming slang] leaving with some girl (who later turned out to be Margo!) [Margo from the Go-Gos I believe that must be.]

I knew if I went out it'd be boring and I'd truly regret it, but then I saw Rod [Donahue] and Greg [another ex, Salva; CRS name was "Rotten Egg"]. I RAN out, but I wanted to appear nonchalant so I just sat there. Then they started to leave so I ran up and asked Greg if he still had my Crash Course badge. He didn't answer and they were all acting strangely. Greg said to come along and then he said to the others: "I'm walking back here with her." When we got around the corner I asked, "What was that all about?!" and he said, "Don't ask me - come on!" But I turned around and went back.

I was sitting there on the curb and Beer Keg came back. He was so nice!!! He had really liked the Damned and said the LA punks deserved it. [Can't remember what happened at this Damned gig!] He asked, "How can we get into 999?" (WE?!!!!!) Then he started talking to Billy (UXA) and Mary came up and I said I wanted to stick around Beer Keg because he was being so nice.

Then Hal [Marty] came up and asked Mary for a "date". She turned him down so I took him up on it. We went in the bar next door. Everyone there had "dates". Brendan had on a Madame Wong mask! The Twilight Zone with the gremlin was on the TV there. Ian came in and I tried to explain it to him.

Beer Keg came in. I went to talk to Ian and Kathy; then Kathy went to talk to Beer Keg so I talked to Ian. He's from Preston, actually, not Manchester. I got so homesick talking to him!! he said I could stay with him and he'd "take me all around". (OH!!!) [Obviously, at this point in time I had never been to Preston!]

Then he left and I went and talked to Beer Keg. I was kinda smashed by now! A lady who worked there was eating a meat and noodle dish and BK asked if he could have a bite! Then she told him to get a cup - and she put some in the cup for herself and gave him the rest! He shared it with me.

Outside Craig said he'd show me where my car was. BK asked if I'd give him a ride home if he let his friend take his car. (?!!!) I said okay for some reason.

So we found the car. Craig asked BK about buying a bag of dope and he said he'd like to smoke a bag of dope.... And I started yelling at him and like usual he "calmed me down" - [not sure what I mean here but I was really anti-dope although half my friends were users - including Craig, who later was in the program, but not BK at this point]. Craig and DD [there were so many DDs and Dees but I think this one was DeDe Troit] went off and BK started attacking me.... It was so WEIRD being with him again!

I said, "Let's sit in the car," and we did. I could not believe this: he goes, "Well, do you expect me to fuck you in the back seat or what?" He said it like he thought I wanted to and he didn't!! I said, "No, where'd you get that idea?! I'm not that low class!!" I was pissed!!!! [I mean this in the American sense, although I was in the British sense as well.] We changed the subject. He's all mad about people thinking he's a Flyboy [BK Greg was from the same area and dressed similarly to the band the Flyboys so a lot of people assumed he was one of them; they were our friends and were snazzy dressers as well as a great band so I'm not sure what the problem was, but whatever!] and is so bored with Hollywood and sick of living in Arcadia [well, it really is out in the sticks!!] etc etc. He got in a really bad mood.

We walked back and couldn't find Mary. I was the biggest DORK - why didn't I go in to say goodbye to 999?! It would've been especially weird, me being with BK and all! [Not sure why; is this because I had been having some kind of mini-fling with Pablo?] I thought they'd left but they hadn't! [I'm still confused; it does sound as if 999 were playing at the Hong Kong, but out of town bands never did, and why would I be talking about getting in when I had already been inside for the other bands? If anyone can solve this mystery, please let me know!]

Well, we finally found Mary. BK stopped and called Danny or Andi [his bandmates in The Others] and arranged to stay in Hollywood.

When we were almost at the car he says, "I'm sorry if I led you on tonight." Well, he's nice to apologize - but for exactly WHAT?!!! Thinking we'd get back together or thinking he'd fuck me?!!

Oh well. It was strange.

I do have photos of Greg, but realised I have lost the scan. So here's Randy Stodola of the Alleycats, who played at the Hong Kong that night. I don't think I shot any bands in the Hong Kong as the lighting was bad; this would have been the Whisky I think, but around the same time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

On that day in 1977 - 11 July

We just couldn't keep away from the Sunset Strip in those days! Jade was still staying with me. Cat is my long lost high school friend, Cathy Clemons; Mandy is my Scottish friend Mandy McIntyre.

Obviously I'd seen the Berlin Brats before but did not yet know them. I wonder what Rick Wilder looking "normal" looked like! This might have been their final gig; they eventually morphed into the Mau-Maus.

11 July 1977

So Monday Cat came over, and Mandy and Marie. We went swimming and stuff. Then I had to take Mandy home and we went over there for a little while.

So we had to go pick up Cat. She and Jade went to the Rainbow and Tiger and I to the Whisky. I was kind of mad, cos Cat originally was gonna go to the Whisky too. And Jade didn't even want to try to get in! So we played pinball and stuff and then went in. But this terrible Okie band was on and we left after one song. [No idea who this could have been.]

We came back for the Berlin Brats. The lighting was terrible for taking pictures and the lead singer looks so normal now! But they sounded as great as ever. I wanted to dance so bad - it was frustrating!! Finally Tiger said he would, but it was the end of their last song.

We saw David walking down the street with some chick. [Not sure which David this was; maybe David Tipp the photographer? Or this guy who looked a bit like a chubbier Eno?] He told me the Brats were breaking up.

I had to go in the Rainbow to get Jade and Cat, and Jade was with Charles, that Babys guy. [We would have thought he looked like a member of the Babys!]

Earlier Cat had said it would be fine for her to stay overnight [at my house] but then of course she wanted to go home. [She lived then in south Redondo - not on the way home ...]

On that day in 1977 - 10 July

Apologies to all my followers (all one of them on Blogger!) for the delay; I got too busy to keep this up on a daily basis, but looking at the entries from mid July in various years, there are way too many doozies - I can't bear to skip them or to wait another fifty weeks!

I left off on the 10th of July and I found another entry for that day worth transcribing. Jade was still staying with me. I am amazed at how many movies I saw in those days, but then you had loads of drive-ins and revival houses, always with double features, and of course no other means to see something on demand! By the way, does anyone remember the name of that drive-in? I could not find a photo of it online!

Marie Drysdale was our friend from high school; Tiger is Steve Tigerman, my boyfriend, and Steven H is Steve Hufsteter; I guess I had just recently started seeing him around with this blonde "vogue" chick; I was easily intimidated in those days!

10 July 1977

So Sunday morning Mom work me up and "two minutes later" it was 9:30. Anyway that day my Bro [Dan Winter] and Bill [Stomp] came over to swim. Jade got upset cause her hair got splashed on and she had just washed it.

So that nite Jade and Marie went to the Rainbow [I didn't write "Rainbow" here; drew a picture of a rainbow] and Tiger and I went to the drive-in. [This would've been the one on Beverly Boulevard.] Rabid was really gross at times; really idiotic, sorta funny. Marilyn Chambers is neat looking. I'm almost positive that Demon [the other feature] was once titled God Told Me To. [And I am indeed correct!] It was really weird.

Anyway, I was supposed to pick up Jade and Marie outside the Rainbow at 12:30 am. Of course they weren't there and I had to go and park. [It was so much easier in those days - why am I complaining?!! Then again I was always getting in trouble for coming home too late, even when it wasn't my fault ...] Then I went in, and I saw Steven H. and the blonde going the other way. Upstairs I saw Danny [Shades] and other people, but no Marie and Jade. So I went outside and SH was by the door and I tapped his arm and said hi and he said hello but not too friendly like. So I stood outside cause I didn't want to follow him (i.e., them) but he kept looking back at me! Finally I started walking but I felt dumb following them!

So I asked the guy at the Whisky if he remembered a girl in a white blazer who was built like Barbie. He said no, he would have remembered that! So I decided to give the Rainbow one last chance and I found them going down the stairs. It was now five to one! It took them ten minutes to walk to the car - I had to keep waiting for them to catch up!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

On this day in 1996 - 10 July

Yes, I am going forward in time a bit! It was my last few weeks of my first stint (there would be two more, the final one lasting three years) of working for the man, Mr B. I'm not sure I want to put his surname in here as this blog might pop up in search engines. Those who know me know who I'm talking about and those who know me well know that my somewhat neurotic former boss was and is convinced that I have written a book about him! I have not, and in fact many of the journals I kept during the years I worked for him were lost. But earlier tonight in writing class I wrote a short piece similar in tone and content to this entry. Wow, was that really 17 years ago?!

At this time I only worked for him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but often he would want me to come in on my days off. (My hours were meant to be 10 till 3 as well, but I never ever left at 3 and rarely got out of there before 8 or 9, and he paid by the day!)

10 July 1996

Well, this morning B started off in a good mood. Then his interview got moved so I didn't see him in the am... Told him I was going to Tesco; he came over while I was gone and went mad cause apparently I hadn't given him his phone messages! There was only one that was really for him. Suddenly he got all paranoid.

I also was worried cause he had moved my Filofax and there was part of my letter to Dan [Janisch] in it that mentioned me wanting to KILL him! How careless of me ...

Anyway, he said he had some more letters but I could do them tomorrow. I reminded him I'd only be in for an hour in the morning - he said that was OK - but later when I told him the hour was between 9:00 and 10:00 he threw a mini-strop! So I, full of guilt, decided to either miss the Oscar Wilde lecture at City Lit, or come back in the PM. I stayed till 9:00.

[The next day B kept me waiting for those letters, finally deciding they could wait another day and declared that we needed to go on a bagel run to Brick Lane. Of course I missed the OW lecture.]

One of these was my office.

On this day in 1982 - 10 July

I had been in London a few days, staying with my friend Mouse, who lived in one of the Herne Hill towers overlooking Brockwell Park. Later this day Stuart, who I had met near the end of my stay in Leeds two and a half years ago and with whom I had corresponded quite prolifically, was coming down to London; we were going to go hitchhiking around Europe. But first we were off to see The Birthday Party.

The Birthday Party were my favourite band at the time, but I preferred their first two albums to their newest stuff (Junkyard). I had completely forgotten that the Sisters opened; I did change my mind about them later. 

I was still a bit jet lagged and the night before Mouse and I had gone for a session at the Chelsea Potters. We stayed at Mouse's boyfriend Paul's flat in Streatham; I had met Paul at the Marquee (where he had worked) in 1980 and had discovered he was the cousin of my high school friend Marie - small world!

My friend from LA, Walter Spencer, was living in East London. Neither he nor Mouse had a phone.

Missing the last tube was not fun back then. Night bus service had recently begun in London. But for the first couple years or more, most of them ran in the wee hours every night except Saturday! I think it had to do with the keep Sunday special campaign, but was rather daft!

10 July 1982

It was morning and I woke up in a strange room. Mouse had been up for hours (and didn't remember the night before!) There was no food for breakfast; I made tea and I think I talked Junior [Paul's flatmate] into getting some bread...

We sat around for a while... Paul was playing some really great reggae. They wouldn't even walk us to the bus stop!

We somehow managed to find it but there were no buses in sight so we started walking. We stopped in a pub to use the toilet and ended up staying for a vodka & orange. [Gak! Can't imagine doing that now!]

I think we got a bus to Brixton, then went through the market. Mouse saw a jacket she liked. By the time we got back it was past two and Stuart was sposed to be there between 2 and 4. I had to have a bath, and the whole time I was in there I was sure he'd arrive. But he didn't... And he didn't by 4:00. Or 5:00. Or 6:00. Finally I started getting ready. I had given up on him coming.

I was almost ready - except my hair [which means another hour probably] - when the doorbell rang. I was really surprised.Stuart was wearing his yellow and black shirt and army trousers and he looked a lot better than I remembered/expected. I got really nervous and would barely look at him. I went and did my hair and then we left.

We took the bus partway - we passed the Fair Deal and when I told Stuart that the Clash were playing there he wanted to go there instead! I was surprised.

Then we got a tube and it's so stupid - Stuart just made us walk through, but then we had to go thru Warren St. or whatever where you have to go out and in again so we ended up having to pay 2 x 40p rather than 60p!!!

But we found the Zig Zag Club okay - and Walter was outside. He had come by Mouse's once [when I was not there] and had phoned [my friend] Debby. He had guessed I'd be at the Birthday Party.

Stuart was on the list but couldn't get me in. When I was paying, Spizz was next to me in the queue. I said hello; he didn't remember me. Oh well. [I had met him in 1980 in LA, so it had been a while!]

Walter bought me a drink and I bought a couple more, but I couldn't get drunk. I wasn't too impressed with the Sisters of Mercy - they were a lot like Insect Idol. [sort of lame as in too serious band from LA]

We sat on the balconey for the Birthday Party. I wanted to go down up close but I was so tired... plus I wasn't really moved ... I was somewhat disappointed! Not by Tracy Pew - he was wonderful with his over the top pelvic thrusts! - and Rowland was so cool, and Nick danced like me [??!] - it was the music! The only old stuff was The Friend Catcher, Nick the Stripper and Release the Bats, and I wasn't all that impressed with the new stuff...

Stuart was though - he loved it!

Talked to Walter afterwards. Then I think we couldn't find the right bus stop plus Stuart delayed us by getting chips... We decided to go back to the tube station... Well, we could only get a tube to ... I can't remember! I think it was somewhere on Oxford Street ... We started walking and it was sort of, what are we gonna do? I was really tired but I wasn't really pissed off about being stranded like Stuart was...

We walked and walked and walked and finally got to Trafalgar Square. It was then we learned that the night bus to Brixton goes every night but Saturday!!!!! It made no sense!!!

We went and climbed up around on the lions. I felt so free and it was so warm; I could've stayed there all night! But we went to Leicester Square. There was an all night coffee shop now, but there was a ridiculous minimum.

There was a night bus to Victoria and we waited a while for it. But that was less than half way so finally Stuart offered to pay for a taxi. Had to knock for ages to wake Mouse!

Short-lived and now, long since demolished...

On this day in 1980 - 10 July

Michael was the drummer of Ivy & the Eaters, who I had recently begun seeing. Carol is Carol Mamon from Pacific Palisades, who I met at the Starwood in 1976. (She was married to Tim Lamadrid of the Unclaimed later in the 80s and lived in San Diego but we lost touch after she and Tim split up in the mid 90s; if anyone knows her whereabouts, let me know!)

I had met Peter Perrett, his partner/manager Zena and the rest of the Only Ones when they first played LA in '79; had seen them in London and again in LA earlier that year. The Only Ones were meant to have played the Whisky on the 7th of July, but it had been cancelled; can't remember why.

10 July 1980

I went to the Whisky to see the Undertones, and the first show was sold out! So I bought a ticket for the second one and rang Michael. He said, why don't you come on over? Perfect. I FINALLY got to see this place - it was weird and neat. They have an Advent screen - I was wondering what he had meant by a "wall TV".

Too bad I couldn't stay longer. We sat and watched TV and talked and held hands and when I said I'd better go it took about half an hour to say goodbye. I had a really nice time. But I had to leave. I got to the Whisky about 10 minutes before the Undertones came on. Saw Carol in the Ladies room.

The Undertones were great!! I watched them from the stairs and during their set Peter Perrett walked by... They didn't do Male Model but lots of other fantastic songs. Visually they reminded me of the Bay City Rollers a) on acid b) with cerebral palsy or c) after being run over by a Mack truck. The drummer is cute though; the singer is such a spazz!

They wouldn't let anyone backstage; they were being such assholes!

Afterwards I almost fainted when Peter Perrett came up to me ... He asked about that New Wave Theatre show. I told him how awful it was. [??!! I think I was referring to its lo-fi quality; I certainly did appreciate its existence!] (Just like Madame Wong's.) [Not sure what this means...] While we were talking, everyone kept giving me looks...

Chris was there too and when he left he said, "Come home with me!" Carol said that she would have jumped! [I have absolutely no idea who this Chris fellow was ...] [Later: Remembering a Chris mentioned in another post - Chris Bailey, could this have been you?]

Bruce Foxton was also there; I was gonna ask him if anyone had ever told him he looked like David Cassidy. [But I guess I didn't.]

The Undertones. Photo: Larry Doherty, 1979

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On this day in 1976 - 9 July

The Smokestack was a club in Redondo Beach, not on, but near the pier. It later changed its name to the Fleetwood for a few years, before it was torn down and paved over. It was weird suddenly having a venue for bands in my neighborhood; it wasn't really within walking distance but still was close - usually we would have to drive half an hour or more to get to Hollywood. And yes, there were outlets for bar bands, but those were all bars - 21 and over only. However the clientele at the Smokestack, mainly surfers, were not as interesting and accepting as those in the Hollywood clubs and could get downright hostile when anyone "unusual" played, eg, The Ramones and Patti Smith. (They both played there that summer.) My friend Brent Williams got a DJing job there and at least improved the ambience!

Robert Marlow was my ex-boyfriend from the end of 1975. He was Scottish and well, kind of cheap. (Apologies to all my Scottish friends; it was just a coincedence!) 

I'm not sure who I went to the Smokestack with and who then would have also driven to Mandy's (McIntyre) house in Hawthorne; I was not driving yet, nor were most of my friends and it couldn't have been Brent. My best guess would be Robert. I guess we'll never know!

Being the eldest, I was always getting in trouble for staying out too late.

July 9, 1976

For some dumb, unexplained reason, I went to the Smokestack. It's sooooo lame; all the guys are geeks!

The first band, Holy Smoke, was so bad I could not imagine how the second band could be any worse. But they were!!!!

Robert Marlow was trying to get in free and we were laughing at him, and then dumb me goes and tells Brent. [I guess Brent got him in.]

That was funny - I dressed in glitter - as a martian; when Brent first saw me he went, "Duh!" He loved the Brenton Wood record. [I think I had found it in a thrift shop and gave it to him for his birthday. We used to call him "Brent Wouldn't"!]

Anyway, I was talking to Robert a little and some really drunk geek comes up and asks Robert, "Is she with you?" So I kick Robert, hoping he would lie, and he goes, "No ..." I gave Robert the dirtiest look and kicked him again but the jerk who came up wouldn't leave me alone! He was telling me about how his girlfriend was at a shower. He was from San Pedro (remind me never to go there!) and he told me he was gonna go to jail for 30 days for assaulting a policeman. Really my type!!

I lied and said I'd dance with him later and he said he might forget about me by then. (What a shame!) He finally left and I cussed out Robert. He found it quite amusing and told Mandy about it later. I kept running away from that guy the rest of the time I was there.

Then we left and went to Mandy's; she and Teresa were in their pajamas watching Who's Minding the Store. Home at 1:15 and Mom was mad!!!

This photo was taken the previous Halloween; I would not have worn the foil things or silver makeup to the Smokestack. But I think I would have had on the rest of the outfit, including the skullcap with attennae.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

On this day in 1979 - 8 July

Another embarrassing entry, though with some funny bits...

The Damned were playing at the Whisky. Earl (Rick Sherman), the drummer of the Mau-Maus, was my boyfriend but things had gotten a bit weird between us since my ex, Greg Salva, (the guitarist of the Mau-Maus) had returned from a few weeks in New York.

8 July 1979

My car wouldn't start. So all day we tried to find another ride. We were gonna take the bus. But finally Mom let me take the station wagon. And I didn't miss the Flyboys! They were great!

Sat on the side of the stage for the Damned and wished I had brought my camera. They didn't sound so great but I thought they were fun to watch. Dave Vanium is such a vampire - his purple satin-lined cape was so neat. The new bassist is cute and Cpt. Sensible wore pink fuzzy pants and a blue fuzzy top, a hippie wig and specs. His pants fell down! Rat Scabies was spitting beer on the audience and he sang a song and C.S. played drums.

Jill [Jordan] left right after. They wouldn't let me go out [of the Whisky] so I stayed in. I didn't find out till later that Mary [Rat] had sold her ticket. [I guess I was waiting for her to come in for the second show.] Tooth Fairy [my ex, Gary Tonda] came, and Beer Keg Greg [yet another ex, Greg Williams]. [Jill and I had devised Cockney rhyming slang names for everyone, partly so we could talk about people freely without anyone knowing who we were talking about!] Talked to Tooth a long time and told them both about Rod's party. [Rod Donahue was the bassist of the Mau-Maus, who would be playing at the Masque club on Rod's birthday. The Masque had closed some time ago, but there were occasional parties there. I'm pretty sure this was the last one ever!] Watched the Flyboys again then I decided I'd better go out.

Chirelle [another name for Jill Jordan; her rhyming slang name was Doan's Little Pill; mine was Altadena Dairy] was in the parking lot. [This was the parking lot for Licorice Pizza, a record store kitty-corner across from the Whisky.] So were all the Mau-Maus!! Le Roy [this was Craig Stoker], Chirelle and I shuffled down to the liquor store. When we came back I was so nervous and scared to go up there and Earl didn't see me till he walked out and I looked at him and he at me and he said, "Why won't you come and say hi to me?!" and I said, "Why won't you say hi to me?" and we hugged. He had gotten in a fight with some of the Simpletones [?!!!] and his face was puffing up. Then he and Slim [Rick Wilder] had to go in.

Chirelle and I were talking to Rotten Egg Greg Salva. It was fun. She and Paul [manager of the Mau-Maus] got in an argument about their mothers.

The cops came, about firecrackers and they believed the story about trendies! [Yeah, I hate firecrackers so it would have had nothing to do with me, but when in danger, blame it on the trendies!]

Greg took a fancy to my Crash Course badge [Crash Course was a band from Liverpool, with my ex, Mick Reid on guitar, and also Pete Wylie for a while; Mick had give me this badge] and tried to talk me out of it. He said he'd give me anything for it. Except money. Then he took it!

I tried to get it back and Greg kept attacking me. ["Attacking", in our teenage lingo, usually meant uninvited pawing, or, depending on the circumstances and context,  I suppose sometimes it was equivalent to making a pass or throwing oneself at another.] He had started earlier - when Claire [never knew her surname but she was English and went out with Billy, the guitarist of UXA] came up and accused me of having her pants [to my friends over the pond I mean trousers here and she meant that I had the same type or similar, not that I was wearing hers!], he "helped" her "check them out"...  I admit at first I felt a little tempted, but he was acting like such a creep and I thought Earl was coming back. [Gosh, who sounds like the creep here!]

We were gonna go but then I remembered the badge!!! Whenever I tried to get it off Greg he'd try to molest me! He tried to drag me off to his car and then my car and then he was carrying me around over his shoulder like some kind of cave man. I got so hot and sweaty from fighting with him!!! And I never did get the badge back... [I don't think I ever did, even though I was back together with him before the end of the year.]

When I backed the car out I tried to run Greg down, with no success ...

I did in fact get my Crash Course badge back, as I found both of them when I went through the stuff at my parents' house in 2015, after I had transcribed and annotated the above.