We just couldn't keep away from the Sunset Strip in those days! Jade was still staying with me. Cat is my long lost high school friend, Cathy Clemons; Mandy is my Scottish friend Mandy McIntyre.
Obviously I'd seen the Berlin Brats before but did not yet know them. I wonder what Rick Wilder looking "normal" looked like! This might have been their final gig; they eventually morphed into the Mau-Maus.
11 July 1977
So Monday Cat came over, and Mandy and Marie. We went swimming and stuff. Then I had to take Mandy home and we went over there for a little while.
So we had to go pick up Cat. She and Jade went to the Rainbow and Tiger and I to the Whisky. I was kind of mad, cos Cat originally was gonna go to the Whisky too. And Jade didn't even want to try to get in! So we played pinball and stuff and then went in. But this terrible Okie band was on and we left after one song. [No idea who this could have been.]
We came back for the Berlin Brats. The lighting was terrible for taking pictures and the lead singer looks so normal now! But they sounded as great as ever. I wanted to dance so bad - it was frustrating!! Finally Tiger said he would, but it was the end of their last song.
We saw David walking down the street with some chick. [Not sure which David this was; maybe David Tipp the photographer? Or this guy who looked a bit like a chubbier Eno?] He told me the Brats were breaking up.
I had to go in the Rainbow to get Jade and Cat, and Jade was with Charles, that Babys guy. [We would have thought he looked like a member of the Babys!]
Earlier Cat had said it would be fine for her to stay overnight [at my house] but then of course she wanted to go home. [She lived then in south Redondo - not on the way home ...]
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