Thursday, August 01, 2013

On that day in 1982 - 16 July

It was the third day of my first time in Paris. I was there with Stuart and we were staying in a really cheap hotel which seemed to be a brothel; there were no other guests and there was no shower, just a bidet.

My friend from Hollywood, Walter, was staying in London that summer. He was in east London and I was in the south and neither of us had a phone. I had written to him and he had turned up where I was staying when I was not home. I knew that he and his girlfriend were going to Paris this week too but now I had no way to get in touch with him. But on the second day, we ran into him on the Boulevard Montparnasse! He and Verlaine let us use the shower in their hotel, and we arranged to meet them this evening.

16 July 1982

We went down to the Louvre and learned that it was free on Sundays so we decided to come back then. [Of course we didn't!] Then who did we run into again but Walter and Verlaine!! We still agreed to meet later on, and Stuart and I went off to Pere La Chaise. Got really lost in the Nation Metro station - so by the time we got to the cemetery they were just shutting the gates!! Such a fruitful day ... [Every one of our five days was like this; we did get back to Pere La Chaise on our last day, a Sunday, but ran out of time to go to the Louvre, and never managed to get to the Eiffel Tower when it was open...]

Well, we met W & V at Montmartre; we were early so we sat there. Stuart got some garbage. Met some weird hippies - one took a shower in the fountain.

We all walked around Montmartre; got some wine and went to their hotel again. Got really out of it. Stuart said I was hanging all over him and embarrassing him.

Walter went with us to a café where I had a peach melba. it wasn't as good as the one Stuart got the other night though.

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