Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On that day in 1975 - 22 July

In the early days of my journals, I did not write every day. So in this entry I write about various events of the past couple of weeks.

I used to babysit the son and daughter of a woman with whom my father worked. On the day I wrote about the "hyperactive" (as they called it in those days) boy - I think he was around 8 - had not taken his meds. He got in a fight with his sister and when I tried to intervene he threw a macheté at me. Luckily he missed! He seemed to have a stockpile of weapons in his bedrooms, all gifts from his divorced dad. Needless to say, I never babysat for him again.

22 July 1975

Listening to Ian Hunter. Ava thinks he's gorgeous!?

Almost got murdered on Friday by little Willy. It seems so funny now getting chased out of the house by the kid you're babysitting and you should have seen me run when he said, "I'm gonna go get my hard ball!" when he was already holding his macheté. [He had hacked a poster on his sister's door to pieces and had made a few holes in the door as well. His sister and I jumped out a window and ran to the neighbors' when he went back to get another weapon.] I was SHAKING!! A horrifying experience!!!

Ran into Bill [Stomp] when we were coming back from Two Guys. He's so funny, insane, I love him. It's true what they say. [Who?] He asked if I'd heard from Mike [Nolte] lately. How late is lately? [I proceed to relate our entire conversation, but I shall not bore you!]

Read Jaws. Went to the beach yesterday and last Tuesday. Oh yeah, Mike asked if Steve tried anything!! Ha ha ha ha ha! Of course. [No idea who this Steve is or what I'm laughing about here.]

I will never never never be a housewife. I can't sew, iron, cook, do housework - I don't even know how to run a dishwasher or washing machine!!! So ha ha ha ha - that's life!!!

"Excited by your ... ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" I LOVE this album! Heard "Rudy" by the Pretty Things again; must get it - next thing!

I've been having all these great dreams but I forgot to write them down. I could kill myself! I don't understand the notes either. Well, I remember part of one. I met Ray Davies on a bus. And later we were in a car and David Bowie was in the car behind us and Jade and I waved to him and he and Angie waved back and then later we met them somewhere.

"Rip-Off" was just on. [Now I had turned on the radio.] I think this song must be the Sadistic Mika Band. No, it's Fox. It's called "Only You Can". All guys. [No, it wasn't! Why did I think that?! I bought the album soon after writing this. I still have it, but I much prefer "S-s-s-s-single Bed".]

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